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Woman holding exploding heart in her hand

Are you breaking your own heart? Literally

February is not just Valentine's Day and Black History Month. It's also American Heart Month and "broken heart syndrome" is a real condition. The medical term for "Broken Heart Syndrome" is stress cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. We often talk figuratively about having a broken heart but many people have physically experienced it. The condition is…

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Frustrated female office worker despairs and overworks at table


The meaning for this statement is: To distress oneself by comparing one's own situation with that of others who seem more horrific, vulgar, distraught, disgusting, or severe. To despair is the complete loss or absence of hope. As you reflect on what happened, how it happened to you, what went wrong, how you…

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A woman in pajamas opens Christmas gifts.

“Single Bells”

We get so wrapped up in being in a relationship, healthy or toxic, that we sacrifice our wants, needs and values for what society has engrained in us of what we "should" be doing. Our needs always come last. We give and give until the holiday's become a chore, and non-enjoyable. We lose ourselves…

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Silhouette of woman praying over beautiful sky background

Forgive Yourself

You can not hold yourself responsible for what you didn't know, when you didn't know it. You are your biggest fan and should be! It is all about you! Learn, grow, love   Learn from your mistakes Admit you messed up or acknowledge the mistake that was made Take accountability and responsibility for…

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