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You first.
You matter.

Our Purpose

After leaving a 15yrs abusive relationship with five kids and struggling to find support, Calikay Vashou decided it was time for a change. On March 13, 2018, De’Chaos was established to support survivors of narcissistic abuse. 

Today, De’Chaos is a community built by survivors for survivors of narcissistic abuse. Each week, we offer online meetings to give survivors a safe haven to share their stories, gain insights into what happened or is happening to them, and build connections so they’re not alone.

The next milestone is to expand and offer more supportive resources for survivors and children of survivors nationwide. We believe everyone deserves to live a life free from abuse. 

our mission statement

“To end the cycle of narcissistic abuse by empowering survivors to thrive and bring emotional abuse awareness to our communities.”

Power Team

Board Members

Calikay Vashou

Founder / Director

Deann Fullmer


Coral Cortes


Jill Wautlet

Board Member

Cindy Anderton

Board Member

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Chris Mitchell

Board Member

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We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

© 2021 Dechaos Co. All Rights Reserved.