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Nonprofit Organization to Help Survivors of Narcisstic Abuse Heal, Grow, and Thrive!

Many people suffer narcissistic or other mental abuse and don’t know where to get help. Spending nights at a shelter and talking to a therapist once a week is not enough. Survivors need more. They need to be heard and to know they’re not alone. The majority of them struggle to break the cycle of narcissistic abuse because trauma is an addiction. But unlike other addictions, where there are support and rehab centers, narcissistic abuse survivors are left to battle trauma bond alone.

Narcissistic abuse is widespread and, partly due to a lack of widely available resources to help its victims, it often goes unreported for very long periods of time. This is the reason why De’Chaos is launched as a new nonprofit organization aimed at helping people in these situations. Calikay Vashou is the visionary founder of De’Chaos and is herself a survivor of narcissistic abuse. This message of hope is being greeted with enthusiasm.

“There is a rainbow after the storm. You first. You’re worth loving. You matter. You’re not alone.”


Calikay’s own story serves to inspire. After 15yrs of hell, she secretly packed her things and left her abusive marriage. With five children, very little money, and only faith, she had to rebuild herself from next to nothing. Now, seven years later, she is healing with her kids, financially stable, and engaged to a wonderful man in a healthy relationship. 

“After I left, I was very lonely. My family and friends didn’t understand mental abuse,” said Calikay. Through De’Chaos she created a wonderful team to help her support others in similar situations around the world. The organization is still growing and looking for funding to expand.

The mission of the nonprofit organization will include survivor meetings and helpful resources to help survivors heal, grow, and thrive after abuse. 

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